Saturday, September 3, 2016

Birding Hernando Beach - June 8, 2016

First stop today was Jenkins Creek, where I saw my first Clapper Rail for the park.
On the drive to Bayport, found the Sandhill family looking pretty in the morning light.  Some wood ducks flew in too.

Then, it was on to Bayport.  Some nice surprises with brown pelicans and even a flock of spoonbills flying by.  Two more for the June Challenge list!  Nice morning overall with a rainbow and mother with baby manatee.

Finally, at Pine Island, a semipalmated sandpiper was a new find for June Challenge.  However, the best thing there was a terrapin turtle, quickly returning to the Gulf after laying eggs.  I have always wanted to see one, but never did until today!
semipalmated sandpiper
common loon (out of season)
reddish egret
bottlenose dolphin
Then, on the way back towards US19, saw a group of 3 peacocks.  This can be counted for June Challenge, just reported separately in the total.
I had wanted to see the peacock at Heather Golf Course, but luckily saw this one instead.  Only found a few birds there, the best of which was a red-tailed hawk.

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