However, this month was a great start to the year. There were 152 different species of birds across the state, which included six "life birds": Brown Booby, Smooth-billed Ani, Groove-billed Ani, Vesper Sparrow, Yellow-breasted Chat, and Ash-throated Flycatcher.
I also saw many other species of animals while out looking for birds this month: dolphin, manatee, bobcat, deer, otter, raccoon, marsh rabbit, yellow rat snake, black racer, gators, and several species of turtle.
I traveled much of the state from St. Marks in the North, to Merritt Island in the East, to Lake Apopka & Circle B Bar in the middle, and there was so much to see! I think some of my best images of the month were actually landscapes from all of these great places.
Although I don't have a birding goal for February, I am now well on my way to my goal of 251 species for the year. I am hoping to get to 200 by the end of migration in May and to 210 by the end of June challenge. Hopefully, there will be enough fall/wintering migrants at the end of the year to get me the rest of the way. If I can get to 251, I will have more total species this year than all other years combined!
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